Netball is a ball sport played by two teams of seven players. Games are played on a rectangular court with raised goal rings at each end. The object is to score goals from within a defined area, by throwing a ball into a ring attached to a high post. Players are assigned specific positions, which define their roles within the team and restrict their movement to certain areas of the court. During general play, a player with the ball can hold onto it for only three seconds before shooting for a goal or passing to another player. The winning team is the one that scores the most goals. All Netta, Primary and Sub Junior Age competition netball games consist of 4 x 10 minutes quarters with a 2 minute break between each one. Netball is played by more than 20 million people in more than 80 countries worldwide.
Fees - $120
Magill School provide netball uniforms for all players. These uniforms are to be returned at the end of each season. There is a $65 replacement cost for uniforms lost or damaged.
Matches are played on courts at Campbelltown, Windsor Gardens and Maylands against schools in our surrounding district with two competitions held each year. Coaching / Management / Goal Umpiring / Time Keeping – Teams need parents/relations to coach and/or train, assist at practice. Without volunteers, we are not able to nominate teams.
Commences in October - March (terms 1 & 4 of school)
Age Competition (7-15 year olds) played on Friday evenings with the youngest starting at 5.45pm and the last game played at 9.10pm.
Practices are after school from 3.15-4pm as determined by the coach. Year 6’s are not eligible to play Summer netball. Children MUST turn 7 years of age by 31 December next year. Click here for EDNA Weather policy
Commences April- September (terms 2 & 3 of school)
Age Competition (7-15 year olds) played on Saturdays with the younger games starting at 11am and games continuing through out the day on the hour with the older children starting the last game at 3pm. Matches are played irrespective of weather conditions. The Association will only cancel matches if it is considered to be dangerous to the health & safety of our members. Practices are after school from 3.15-4pm as determined by the coach.
Children MUST turn 7 years of age by 31 December of this current year.
NETTA – 8 years and under, with a minimum age of 7. Matches are non-competitive (no finals). Lower goal posts are used and a smaller ball. Netball court position rotations are expected for the children to develop their skills. Umpires are also involved in the education process during the game
PRIMARY – 10 years and under, with a minimum age of 8. Matches are non-competitive (no finals).
SUB JUNIOR – 12 years and under, with a minimum age of 10. This age group has finals.
To register for the upcoming season, please download the Qkr! App by clicking the picture or link below and add Magill School. Registrations are paperless.
First time players are required to register with Eastern Districts Netball Association before playing their first match Once registered with EDNA, this registration lasts for their life within that competition.
Contact: Rachel Owens at or 8331 9422